How to Add Files to a Document Store

  1. Login to your ConcourseSuite site.
  2. Click on the "Documents" tab.
  3. Select the document store that you wish to add a file to.
  4. You will have the option to either create a new folder or upload a file directly to the document store.
  5. If you would like to create a new folder, click New Folder.
  6. Enter a name for the folder in the "Name" field.
  7. Once the "Name" has been entered, click Save.
  8. If you would like to submit a file directly to the document store, click Submit File..
  9. Enter the subject of the file in the "File" field and click Browse to search your computer for the appropriate file.
  10. Click Upload once you have entered a subject and chosen a file to be submitted.
  11. To add a file to a folder, click the appropriate folder.
  12. Click Submit File.
  13. Enter the subject of the file in the "File" field and click Browse to search your computer for the appropriate file.
  14. Click Upload once you have entered a subject and chosen a file to be submitted.