How to Manage Portal Roles

Portal roles give additional access to users perform tasks within ConcourseSuite site.  A portal user does not have to be an employee or "regular" user of your ConcourseSuite business tools.  A portal user can be a customer or a vendor of your company.  Almost all accounts have contacts associated with them. The administrator can allow a contact to see information or perform certain tasks by creating a portal role for that contact.

  1. Login to ConcourseSuite.
  2. Click on the Admin tab.
  3. A new window appears with a list of options that can be customized by any administrative user.
  4. Select Manage Portal Roles
  5. A window will appear with all existing portal roles.
  6. Select Add New Portal Role
  7. A window appears for you to begin adding a portal role.
  8. Create a Role Name.
  9. Create the Description.
  10. Enable the new role by clicking on the Enabled box.
  11. Select the Permissions you want for this user.
  12. Select Add to complete the add portal user process or Cancel to return to the primary Manage Portal Role window.
    • Note:When viewing the list of portal roles, there are three options that can be performed: Modify, Deactivate, and Delete.