- What is the difference between a Lead, a Contact, and an Account?
- A Lead is a raw prospect. You might have received their name from a trade-show, a Lead Supply company, or from word of mouth.
- A Contact is someone who has responded to some form of marketing you have performed. Examples would be responses to bulk mailings, email campaigns, or cold calls. They're not yet a paying customer, but they have expressed interest in your product or service.
- An Account is a paying customer. This is someone who is receiving your product or service and has given you some money in exchange.
- What should I do with my contacts?
- Because a contact has expressed interest in your product or service you can target your marketing to suit their interests. Using tools like the Marketing Module and Pipeline Module that are provided by ConcourseSuite you can deliver quotes and targeted email blasts to these interested parties.
- Why is it important to separate leads, contacts, and accounts?
- These are three distinct groups of people and you treat them very differently. Grouping them in this way helps you track things such as conversion rate as you move them through the sales pipeline. It also helps to group them this way to easily perform actions, like mass email marketing or customer surveys.
- Is there an ability to get the history of all the activities done related to a contact?
- History is recorded automatically against a contact based on actions taken in the application, including activities completed/canceled, quotes created, tickets opened/closed, opportunities opened/closed, and other functions. Comment notes can also be attached.