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Centric CRM 4.1 (Stable and Released)

Core Team
Id Status Issue Category Priority Assigned To Age Last Modified
118 open Reported by a user:

I cannot not setup a campaign because for some reason the system keeps saying...
  Immediate Kailash Bhoopalam  6512d 4h 2/23/2007, 11:27 AM
119 open Reported by user:

I get the following error "The included page caused a problem." when I click on...
Functionality Immediate Kailash Bhoopalam  6512d 4h 2/26/2007, 10:03 AM
120 open In
Help Desk > View Tickets > Ticket Details > Action Plans > Action Plan Details (troubleticke...
Functionality Immediate Kailash Bhoopalam  6512d 4h 3/9/2007, 12:55 PM
121 open Hi,

I cannot not setup a campaign because for some reason the system keeps saying that the 'Run D...
Functionality Scheduled   6511d 11h 2/23/2007, 9:55 AM
122 open Action Plans - when the step requires adding a contact, the user selects a contact from the list and...   Scheduled   6506d 10h 2/28/2007, 10:15 AM
124 open Reported by user.
We get this error in CentricCRM 4.1:
I guess this happens when account contacts ...
Blocker Next Zhenya Zhidok  6498d 10h 3/9/2007, 1:50 AM
125 open Reported by a user:
i tried to view the other two leads and received the same info. My leads shoul...
Blocker Next Artem Zakolodkin  6498d 9h 3/12/2007, 3:42 AM
126 open The menu displayed for a particular Ticket when you go to the Ticket Details page (whether as a regu... Functionality Scheduled Ananth Balasubramanyam  6498d 7h 3/8/2007, 1:23 PM
127 open When a user adds account types to an account (doesn't have to save), and the account type has a "&" ... Blocker Scheduled Kailash Bhoopalam  6497d 11h 3/9/2007, 9:30 AM
128 open Using Centric (.war) running in SQL Server, import accounts into Centric CRM
Blocker Scheduled Kailash Bhoopalam  6497d 3h 3/13/2007, 5:42 AM
129 open A user cannot upload a document to a ticket when their role has View and Add permissions for 'Ticket... Functionality Scheduled   6494d 8h 3/12/2007, 1:58 PM
130 open Ticket Action Plan Email sent to the user assigned to the plan does not see the Ticket info to which... Usability Scheduled   6493d 6h 3/13/2007, 4:01 PM
131 open Search feature does not include knowledge base fields such as title and description. Usability Scheduled   6491d 4h 3/15/2007, 5:49 PM
132 open In the Reports module if I generate a report and the status is "Error creating report", then the dro... Functionality Scheduled Ananth Balasubramanyam  6490d 10h 3/21/2007, 6:10 AM
133 open When creating an Action Plan, if Manager of the Plan is selected as the designated owner, the User o...   Scheduled   6487d 5h 3/19/2007, 4:30 PM
134 open When reviewing the Detail page of an Open Opportunity, a field labeled "Custom1 Integer" shows up be...   Scheduled   6487d 5h 3/27/2007, 9:00 AM
135 open When configuring categories in Help Desk, the Enable button not working. Sub-categories cannot be a... Usability Scheduled   6487d 2h 3/27/2007, 9:00 AM
136 open I feel that when adding or modifying a contact the label on the "Role" field is likely to create con...   Scheduled   6484d 9h 3/22/2007, 12:45 PM
138 open within a hierarchy the owner of a contact can see items in history e.g. messages sent to contact. I... Functionality Scheduled   6483d 9h 3/23/2007, 12:41 PM
142 open In Action Lists and Communications Mgr, when building a group of Contacts, clicking the Add/Remove C... Usability Scheduled   6479d 7h 3/27/2007, 2:45 PM
158 results found