Centric CRM 4.1 includes over 20 new features and improvements.
During the past couple of months, we've made several improvements based on feedback received from 4.0. Suggestions came from Customers, Centric CRM community discussions, Solution Providers, Partners, and the Centric CRM Core Team.
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This is a maintenance release to address issues reported since 4.1.
For a successful upgrade, make sure to follow the upgrade directions and backup your data!
This release includes the following improvements:
- Updated translations from community
- Added language Espanol (de Espana)
This release includes the following fixes:
- Printable ticket updated to work with MySQL
- Ticket action plans were failing
- Account action plans had an incorrect visible permission, so this tab would be displayed if user had ticket permissions, but the action would report a permission error
- Duplicate check of imported contacts failed if contact had spacing before/end of name
- Javascript sending unescaped text in some popup widgets
- Container menus configured for concurrent multiple languages
- Locales other than en_US reported error because icelet_*.xml was not found
- Locales without AMPM worked incorrectly in communications scheduling
- Issue prevented messages copied from Outlook sent emails from being validated
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The stable version of Centric CRM 4.1 is now available! Thanks to everyone that contributed to this release of Centric CRM!
If you are installing for the first time...
- Download and review the "CRM Installation and Setup" guide for step-by-step instructions of your new CRM.
- Download the Centric CRM Enterprise Edition, which includes a comprehensive web-based installation and upgrade process and is recommended for production installations.
- Developers can optionally download the Centric CRM Community Edition, which is available in source code form only, from the Centric CRM Subversion server. A readme is included which assists in compiling and installing the source code.
If you are upgrading...
All of the scripts for upgrading from Centric CRM 4.0 to 4.1 (for PostgreSQL and MS SQL installations only) are included. Please review the included upgrade documentation.
If you have a version of Centric CRM prior to 4.0, then you must upgrade to 4.0 first, then to 4.1.
Before upgrading, follow these steps:
- Shut down your web application server.
- Backup your existing database! If anything goes wrong (which it shouldn't, of course) you will need to restore to your previous database.
- Backup the build.properties file in your file library directory (this is required for restoring).
- Make sure you have a backup copy of your current .war file.
- Copy the Centric CRM 4.1 .war over the existing .war (use the exact same filename as the previous .war).
- If a directory exists with the same name as the .war, you should delete this directory so that the application server doesn't get confused. It will recreate it on startup.
- Manually delete the precompiled JSPs by deleting the contents of Tomcat's work directory.
- Startup your web application server.
- After startup, navigate to the Centric CRM web application with your browser.
- You should be presented with an "Upgrade in progress" screen (if not, try refreshing your browser). Login with an Administrator account to proceed with the upgrade.
- The upgrade will modify your database, then present you with a status report.
- If all went well, then click to continue and you and other users can now login. Due to the number of JSPs included, you should restart Tomcat after precompiling due to an issue with Tomcat.
If an error occurred, then please submit the error message so that we can see what happened. Tomcat's log file (catalina.out or stdout.txt) might provide additional debug information.
If you need your system back up right away, then shutdown the application server, restore the database, copy the old .war back into place, delete any directory with the same name as the .war in the deployment directory, restore the previous build.properties file to the file library and start back up. Your installation should be the same as before.
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Need the latest stable version with web-based installer and upgrader?
The latest Centric CRM source code is also available from our Subversion server by using your community login information and a Subversion client:
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