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Centric CRM 4.1 (Stable and Released)

Core Team

Centric CRM 4.1 Features

Posted by Matt Rajkowski on February 9, 2007, 8:30 AM EST
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Centric CRM 4.1 includes over 20 new features and improvements.

During the past couple of months, we've made several improvements based on feedback received from 4.0.  Suggestions came from Customers, Centric CRM community discussions, Solution Providers, Partners, and the Centric CRM Core Team.

Discover all the new features...
Exciting new features:

All outgoing email messages now have the capability to attach documents directly from various CRM modules; for example, when sending email to a contact, the user can choose one or more documents from the contact's documents, account documents, shared document store documents, and project documents; the user can also upload a new document to any of these areas during the creation of an email message

Users can now independently schedule activities and log activities without the need to first record a past activity

Activities can now be recorded against an account without specifying a contact

Documents can be attached directly to general contacts and account contacts; documents attached in the Contacts module follow the contact to the Accounts module

The reporting engine has been improved allowing users to generate HTML, CSV, and Excel reports, in addition to the existing PDF reports; a new option automatically emails the report to the user once it has been generated

Accounts can now be imported without any contact data; previously the import required contact names in addition to the organization name

Account searching has been improved with more search fields and additional data in the search results

The following fields have been added to lead, contact, and account records: revenue, lat/longitude, business name 2, year started, SIC, DUNS Type, and DUNS Number; these fields follow from lead to contact to account

The customer portal has been greatly expanded and allows administrators to define multiple roles and permissions for portal users; customers can be granted access to projects and project data, document stores, and shared account documents

Products can now be imported from a .csv file with accompanying product images compiled in a .zip file

Centric CRM now supports a total of 9 databases (more coming soon): Apache Derby, DaffodilDB, Firebird SQL, IBM DB2, Interbase, Microsoft SQL Server 2000/2005, MySQL 5, Oracle 10g Express, and PostgreSQL.

Centric CRM can be installed on Apache Tomcat 5/5.5, Apache Geronimo, and IBM Websphere Application Server Community Edition.

A Japanese translation has been added

Centric CRM 4.1 has many usability and stability improvements implemented as a result of customer and community feedback.

Minor improvements include:

When adding a user, there's an option to generate and email the user a password; previously this capability only appeared on the modify user page

When sending a campaign, users can now choose a date and time

Exporting a ticket list now includes the "Resolved By" field

Products module has been moved from the Admin page to a new top-level module

Admin customizable Action Plan data now shows in the Action Plans dashboard list

Continued dependability:

100% compatibility with Internet Explorer 5.0, 5.5, 6.0, and 7.0
100% compatibility with Mozilla Firefox
100% compatibility with Mac OS Safari

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