If you can imagine building your own social-collaborative hub, with your brand on top, that you totally control, and with features that look like a combination of Facebook, Linked In, Yahoo Groups and Yammer, then you have Connect. Enterprise-level security, deployable either on-premise or on-demand, totally customizable, and upgradeable as supported software.
Connect is a comprehensive platform for rapidly deploying large online communities—whether internal, external or a combination of both.
Suite, the next-generation Front Office Solution, has arrived. Its platform encompasses CRM, order management, e-commerce catalogs and social networking. It embraces the always-on, always-connected world. It incorporates Web 2.0 technologies to enable much richer, many-to-many interactions among companies, their customers and other communities of interest.
Suite embraces openness—open standards, open business models, open source, public APIs.
Case Studies
More than a website, Hubs engage, educate and involve stakeholders. Read about some of our key deployments. These include needs process and technology components.
Featured Case Studies: