Concursive Corporation

  • Norfolk, VA
  • 23510

Getting Started With Your Own Community

Posted by Matt Rajkowski on January 4, 2012, 8:50 AM EST
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When you've reached a point in which you are ready to start a new web site, Concursive can help by setting up a site for you with all of the content management and social networking features we offer.

The most basic question we always ask up front is what kind of site do you want?

The options are:

Web site

Setup a public site and collaborative web presence all in one. This is the option if you want to host a web site using Concursive's platform and you may or may not want any or all of the collaboration features.


Social networking

A public special interest site that fosters collaboration around a particular theme. Users will setup profiles and communicate using a variety of collaboration tools. Community managers can create ad-hoc collaboration spaces to further group activity around shorter-term events.


Enterprise social computing

A private site used for employee collaboration using features like activity streams, blogs, wiki, documents, forums, photos, groups and projects.


Social directory

A public site fostering collaboration around a directory of places, things and people highlighting reviews as an important feature. After choosing this site type Concursive will help you define profile types to extend the available directories.


Customer support area

A public site that supplements an existing website with rich community features and an idea forum. Create an FAQ, discussion board and manage an idea forum.


Client projects

A private site to collaborate and exchange information and documents with clients. This setup features a full activity stream and other collaboration modules.
Regardless of which type you choose, each of the types has full access to all of the content management and social networking modules that ConcourseConnect has to offer. Choosing a type just gives us a sense of the direction you want to go in and for the most part doesn't lock you in to any specific functionality of the platform.
See more information about Concursive's solutions.

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