ConcourseSuite CRM 7.0 (20140513) Update Available
Posted by Matt Rajkowski on May 14, 2014, 11:20 AM EDT

This update is recommended for all installations of ConcourseSuite, adding features and fixes.
- The Accounts Quotes and Accounts Orders modules have been updated with the Quotes and Orders modules features
- Search results for quotes and orders shows more information like customer start and end dates
- Customer dates can be modified directly on the order page
- For developers, Apache Commons Logging is now the preferred logging library; a number of modules have been updated with Commons Logging
- Common Javascript libraries have been packed for use by all modules
- Updated the Asterisk library
- Using the "Submit" a quote feature would reset the customer date fields
The upgrade process for systems already using version 7.0 involves making sure there is a backup of the database and fileLibrary, then installing the 7.0 web application archive (.war) directly over the previous install. The application will upgrade all components.