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Ideas, the module, just got better!

Posted by Matt Rajkowski on February 23, 2011, 8:00 AM EST
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When I think of social business software, I think of all the ways that collaborating can improve a business and give it a leg over the competition. Perhaps the simplest is the age-old suggestion box, brought into the next generation.

Ideas in ConcourseConnect is a glorified suggestion box, with a twist. When a suggestion is made, other employees have the opportunity to express an opinion. It's the cumulative rating and review process that helps an idea get fleshed out and adopted. The community effect can quickly squash a mediocre suggestion, but also draw attention to the most important ones.

To improve the Ideas module, we learned from our recent development of Challenges. Read on for a screen shot and a link to see Ideas in action.

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Challenges is a new module from Concursive that helps drive users to your community in an interesting and unique way. The premise is that users suggest various challenges, with the most popular suggestions being activated. The Challenge of the Day may take several days to accomplish, and users indicate when they've met the goals of the challenge.

Popular Suggestions Example.png

Some example challenges might be:

  • Walk 3 miles today
  • Take a picture with your boss
  • Meet a sales objective

You can try out Challenges here:

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New Features: Project Assignments and Tasks

Posted by Matt Rajkowski on February 10, 2011, 2:30 PM EST
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In this week's update to ConcourseConnect (available for and Enterprise customers), we have rolled out a personalized Assignments page and have made the Task module a standard configuration for newly created Projects.

Read on for screenshots and more information.

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