Introducing ConcourseConnect to Team Elements Users
Posted by Matt Rajkowski on February 16, 2009, 4:40 PM EST
Concursive Corporation recently announced a new product called ConcourseConnect, which is built on the Team Elements platform. Since as of this writing, the free version of ConcourseConnect is yet to be publicly released, I'll explore the various improvements by focusing on fundamental differences, major functional changes, overall functionality and technological changes. Some of the information is subject to change, so for the most part I'll focus on high-level features that shouldn't.
ConcourseConnect is being touted as a business social software networking platform. As a testament to the Team Elements platform, building out a social networking application took the developers about 6 months. That was after a lot of product management responsibilities which helped orchestrate the desired capabilities. The ongoing plan is to review the ConcourseConnect code base and contribute back to the Team Elements project. Future blogs will discuss the direction of Team Elements, migration to ConcourseConnect for those that want to, and any other fundamental changes. Some of you may find that moving to ConcourseConnect is more desirable given the feature set, others may want to stick with the project management capabilities of Team Elements.
Now on to the fundamental differences...
Team Elements started out as an invitation-only project management system and gradually incorporated collaboration features such as blogs, wikis, discussion, documents, and planning tools. In Team Elements, project leads invite stakeholders to observe, participate in, manage and track projects. Over the years, Team Elements has been adapted to fit many situations including:
- Operating as a complete project management solution for enterprises
- Bridging the gap between internal and external company collaboration
- Providing corporate issue tracking and software bug tracking
- As a third-party collaboration add-on to other web applications
- For visualizing and sharing Microsoft Project plans
- and much more.
ConcourseConnect builds upon and opens up the Team Elements collaboration platform to create a truly innovative social software ecosystem in which users openly participate and contribute using new features like reviews, ratings, badges, advertisements, calendar events and services, in addition to the core Team Elements features. The expected uses of ConcourseConnect include:
- Building a web 2.0 community around businesses and groups, whether internal, external, or both
- Leveraging the latest thought around Enterprise 2.0 collaboration
- and much more.
This is the first post in a four (4) part series exploring ConcourseConnect.
Read these other posts in the series:
- Major Functional Changes to Team Elements in making ConcourseConnect
- ConcourseConnect: Improving Upon the Team Elements Core Modules
- Technological Changes Required to Foster a Community Platform
If you have any questions, please comment and I'll do my best to research and followup with them.