Email Marketing
Posted by Phil Kessler on March 16, 2009, 8:40 AM EDT

Identify Your Targets
Email marketing can be an effective tool to grow your business when the group you are contacting has been carefully segmented by certain criteria you decide is the most effective way of identifying prospects.
In your business, it may be size of the prospect, how long a company has been in business, or the prospects associations with other customers . The important thing is you must look at your business and decide what characteristics are most important for a prospect to have when introducing them to your products and then tag each one with a one or more of those attributes when entering them into your customer database.
Concourse Suite makes it easy to enter contact information and assign multiple Contact Types to each one. If your business sells to individuals, you can enter their information and assign the Contact Types you've decided are the most important to your marketing efforts. If your customers are companies, you can assign individuals to those companies, enter specific contact information and Contact Types to each, and create groups of Contacts to market to.
Identifying markets and targeting specific groups who are more likely to have a need for your specific products is a more effective way to build your business and increase your revenue.