What is ConcourseSuite 6.1?
Posted by Matt Rajkowski on September 27, 2010, 9:40 AM EDT

ConcourseSuite 6.1 is all about product consistency and stability. The 6.1 release is in active development and might include a few unannounced features that we are working on.
ConcourseSuite is available in early access form to customers and partners, and once 6.1 is released the binary will be available for download. We continue to work on making the source available but we don't yet know when that will be.
If you are interested in the latest commercial version of ConcourseSuite, please contact us so we can get in touch with you. Customers can choose to use ConcourseSuite On-Demand, ConcourseSuite Hosted or ConcourseSuite Enterprise.
ConcourseSuite also works well with ConcourseConnect. ConcourseConnect allows you to create groups or departments of users, then enable them with Social CRM tools for true multi-tenancy.