ConcourseSuite Support


Knowledge Base Management

Knowledge Base Management involves the assimilation of data related to Tickets based on the categorization of tickets.
A link is provided in the ticket details page to display the relevant knowledge base entries for the selected ticket categories.

Java Classes

Base objects are:

Module action is:


Knowledge Base Management JSPs are located at src/web/troubletickets/*.
All the JSP files related to the Knowledge Base Management have a prefix "troubletickets_knowledge_base_".

Database Tables

table knowledge_base

  1. kb_id - primary key.
  2. category_id - used to store the ticket category related to the knowledge base entry.
  3. title - the title of the entry.
  4. description - text description of the entry.
  5. item_id - related file is stored in the file library and its entry in the table project_files.

Object Validation

Knowledge Base items can not exist without the relevant ticket categorization. Hence the object validator checks for the presence of the related categoryId and the title fields. Though the file attachment is optional for entering a knowledge base entry, an invalid file name will cause the object validation errors.

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