ConcourseSuite Support


Developing a ConcourseSuite Module

Adding a module to ConcourseSuite involves several items depending on the requirements and integration the module has with the rest of the system.

If a new module is being added, start with skeleton code of the Action Class and JSPs, configure the ConcourseSuite framework, then iteratively add functionality.

Adding or updating a module includes the following steps:

  1. Determine the framework model that best fits the immediate and anticipated development
  2. Code the module action class
  3. Code the JSPs
  4. Add the module Action Class details and JSPs to cfs-config.xml; now ConcourseSuite will know how to map URL requests to Action Classes and JSPs
  5. Add a Main Menu item to cfs-modules.xml, listing ALL action names that have access to the module; now ConcourseSuite will show the menu item in the Main Menu for all actions specified
  6. Insert the module permissions and preferences into the [permission_category] and [permission] tables; now the module will be recognized for permissions and configuration in ConcourseSuite
  7. Create install and upgrade scripts

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