ConcourseSuite Support


Developer Tools

The following are platform-independent tools recommended for working on Centric CRM and framework code and documentation. Developers should use an IDE that they and/or their organization are comfortable in using.

Build Tool

Centric CRM uses Apache Ant for compiling and deployment. Version 1.6.2 or higher is required.


Recommended editors include JEdit, Eclipse, JetBrains IntelliJ and NetBeans. These editors work well with web applications and each of the file types you will be working with.

Source Control

If your IDE doesn't have Subversion support, then we recommend using SmartSVN or the command-line tools for Subversion.

For more information, the SVN book is available online.

Reporting Tools

The JasperReports library is included with the Centric CRM source code, but check the JasperReports website for documentation and license information.

iReport is a GUI front-end for JasperReports. The download includes everything needed to design and work with JasperReports documents visually. When using iReport, it is necessary to use a version compatible with the version of JasperReports used in Centric CRM.

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