Database Schema
There are 411 tables in ConcourseSuite CRM (as of CRM 7). You can download the CRM Database Schema hyperlinked html file which includes the structure of each table with foreign key constraints.
CRM Tables
- access
- access_log
- account_type_levels
- action_item
- action_item_log
- action_item_work
- action_item_work_notes
- action_item_work_selection
- action_list
- action_phase
- action_phase_work
- action_plan
- action_plan_category
- action_plan_category_draft
- action_plan_constants
- action_plan_editor_lookup
- action_plan_work
- action_plan_work_notes
- action_step
- action_step_account_types
- action_step_lookup
- active_campaign_groups
- active_survey
- active_survey_answer_avg
- active_survey_answer_items
- active_survey_answers
- active_survey_items
- active_survey_questions
- active_survey_responses
- asset
- asset_category
- asset_category_draft
- asset_materials_map
- business_process
- business_process_component
- business_process_component_library
- business_process_component_parameter
- business_process_component_result_lookup
- business_process_events
- business_process_hook
- business_process_hook_library
- business_process_hook_triggers
- business_process_log
- business_process_parameter
- business_process_parameter_library
- call_log
- call_log_participant
- campaign
- campaign_component
- campaign_component_types
- campaign_cpt_connect_invite
- campaign_cpt_connect_marketing
- campaign_cpt_electronic_mail
- campaign_cpt_promo_mail
- campaign_cpt_web_url
- campaign_group_map
- campaign_list_groups
- campaign_run
- campaign_survey_link
- category_editor_lookup
- cfsinbox_message
- cfsinbox_messagelink
- connect_instances
- contact
- contact_account_source
- contact_address
- contact_data
- contact_emailaddress
- contact_imaddress
- contact_lead_read_map
- contact_lead_skipped_map
- contact_message
- contact_phone
- contact_socialnetwork_name
- contact_textmessageaddress
- contact_type_levels
- credit_card
- custom_field_category
- custom_field_data
- custom_field_group
- custom_field_info
- custom_field_lookup
- custom_field_record
- custom_list_view
- custom_list_view_editor
- custom_list_view_field
- customer_product
- customer_product_history
- database_version
- document_accounts
- document_store
- document_store_department_member
- document_store_permissions
- document_store_role_member
- document_store_user_member
- email_account
- email_account_user_preferences
- events
- events_log
- excluded_recipient
- field_types
- help_business_rules
- help_contents
- help_faqs
- help_features
- help_introduction_preference
- help_module
- help_notes
- help_related_links
- help_tableof_contents
- help_tableofcontentitem_links
- help_tips
- history
- import
- knowledge_base
- lookup_access_types
- lookup_account_size
- lookup_account_stage
- lookup_account_types
- lookup_asset_manufacturer
- lookup_asset_materials
- lookup_asset_status
- lookup_asset_vendor
- lookup_authentication_classes
- lookup_call_priority
- lookup_call_reminder
- lookup_call_result
- lookup_call_types
- lookup_claim_status
- lookup_contact_rating
- lookup_contact_source
- lookup_contact_stage
- lookup_contact_types
- lookup_contactaddress_types
- lookup_contactemail_types
- lookup_contactphone_types
- lookup_container_menu
- lookup_creditcard_types
- lookup_currency
- lookup_delivery_options
- lookup_department
- lookup_document_store_permission
- lookup_document_store_permission_category
- lookup_document_store_role
- lookup_duration_type
- lookup_email_model
- lookup_emailaccount_inbox_behavior
- lookup_emailserver_types
- lookup_employment_types
- lookup_graph_type
- lookup_help_features
- lookup_hours_reason
- lookup_im_services
- lookup_im_types
- lookup_industry
- lookup_kb_status
- lookup_lists_lookup
- lookup_locale
- lookup_news_template
- lookup_onsite_model
- lookup_opportunity_budget
- lookup_opportunity_competitors
- lookup_opportunity_environment
- lookup_opportunity_event_compelling
- lookup_opportunity_types
- lookup_order_events
- lookup_order_source
- lookup_order_status
- lookup_order_terms
- lookup_order_type
- lookup_orderaddress_types
- lookup_orgaddress_types
- lookup_orgemail_types
- lookup_orgphone_types
- lookup_payment_gateway
- lookup_payment_methods
- lookup_payment_status
- lookup_phone_model
- lookup_product_category_type
- lookup_product_conf_result
- lookup_product_format
- lookup_product_keyword
- lookup_product_manufacturer
- lookup_product_ship_time
- lookup_product_shipping
- lookup_product_tax
- lookup_product_type
- lookup_project_activity
- lookup_project_category
- lookup_project_loe
- lookup_project_permission
- lookup_project_permission_category
- lookup_project_priority
- lookup_project_role
- lookup_project_status
- lookup_quote_condition
- lookup_quote_delivery
- lookup_quote_remarks
- lookup_quote_source
- lookup_quote_status
- lookup_quote_terms
- lookup_quote_type
- lookup_recurring_type
- lookup_relationship_types
- lookup_report_type
- lookup_response_model
- lookup_revenue_types
- lookup_revenuedetail_types
- lookup_sc_category
- lookup_sc_type
- lookup_segments
- lookup_sic_codes
- lookup_site_id
- lookup_sitechange_frequency
- lookup_socialnetwork_types
- lookup_stage
- lookup_step_actions
- lookup_sub_segment
- lookup_survey_types
- lookup_task_category
- lookup_task_loe
- lookup_task_priority
- lookup_tenant_server
- lookup_textmessage_types
- lookup_ticket_cause
- lookup_ticket_escalation
- lookup_ticket_resolution
- lookup_ticket_state
- lookup_ticket_status
- lookup_ticket_task_category
- lookup_ticketsource
- lookup_title
- lookup_webpage_priority
- merchant_payment_gateway
- message
- message_file_attachment
- message_template
- module_field_categorylink
- news
- notification
- opportunity_component
- opportunity_component_levels
- opportunity_component_log
- opportunity_header
- order_address
- order_entry
- order_payment
- order_payment_status
- order_product
- order_product_option_boolean
- order_product_option_float
- order_product_option_integer
- order_product_option_text
- order_product_option_timestamp
- order_product_options
- order_product_status
- orderlog
- organization
- organization_address
- organization_data
- organization_emailaddress
- organization_phone
- package
- package_products_map
- payment_creditcard
- payment_eft
- permission
- permission_category
- portfolio_category
- portfolio_item
- process_log
- product_catalog
- product_catalog_category_map
- product_catalog_pricing
- product_category
- product_category_map
- product_keyword_map
- product_option
- product_option_boolean
- product_option_configurator
- product_option_float
- product_option_integer
- product_option_map
- product_option_text
- product_option_timestamp
- product_option_values
- project_accounts
- project_assignments
- project_assignments_folder
- project_assignments_status
- project_files
- project_files_download
- project_files_thumbnail
- project_files_version
- project_folders
- project_issue_replies
- project_issues
- project_issues_categories
- project_news
- project_news_category
- project_permissions
- project_requirements
- project_requirements_map
- project_team
- project_ticket_count
- projects
- promo_item_catalog_category_map
- promo_item_category
- promotional_item_catalog
- quote_calculator_session
- quote_calculator_session_items
- quote_calculator_session_periods
- quote_condition
- quote_entry
- quote_group
- quote_notes
- quote_product
- quote_product_option_boolean
- quote_product_option_float
- quote_product_option_integer
- quote_product_option_text
- quote_product_option_timestamp
- quote_product_options
- quote_remark
- quotelog
- recent_items
- relationship
- report
- report_criteria
- report_criteria_parameter
- report_queue
- report_queue_criteria
- revenue
- revenue_detail
- role
- role_permission
- saved_criteriaelement
- saved_criterialist
- scheduled_recipient
- search_fields
- service_contract
- service_contract_hours
- service_contract_products
- sites
- state
- step_action_map
- survey
- survey_items
- survey_questions
- sync_client
- sync_conflict_log
- sync_log
- sync_map
- sync_package
- sync_package_data
- sync_system
- sync_table
- sync_transaction_log
- task
- taskcategory_project
- taskcategorylink_news
- tasklink_contact
- tasklink_project
- tasklink_ticket
- ticket
- ticket_activity_item
- ticket_category
- ticket_category_assignment
- ticket_category_draft
- ticket_category_draft_assignment
- ticket_category_draft_plan_map
- ticket_category_plan_map
- ticket_csstm_form
- ticket_defect
- ticket_level
- ticket_priority
- ticket_severity
- ticket_sun_form
- ticketlink_project
- ticketlog
- tools_user
- trouble_asset_replacement
- url_map
- usage_log
- user_default_view_prefs
- user_group
- user_group_map
- viewpoint
- viewpoint_permission
- web_icelet
- web_icelet_customtab_map
- web_icelet_dashboard_map
- web_icelet_property
- web_icelet_publicwebsite
- web_layout
- web_page
- web_page_access_log
- web_page_group
- web_page_role_map
- web_page_row
- web_page_version
- web_product_access_log
- web_product_email_log
- web_row_column
- web_site
- web_site_access_log
- web_site_log
- web_style
- web_tab
- web_tab_banner
- webdav
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