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Quotes: customized presentation

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Quotes: customized presentation

5/11/2005 4:57 PM EDT


I am investigating the Quotes module in the 3.0 version. Is it possible to customize the information that appears on the printed quote? I see options in the Admin module for customizing some details. I was wondering if it's possible to create a template for the printed quote that CentricCRM then fills in. I'm using the binary version, so I am guessing the answer is probably not, but thought I would ask anyway.

Tracy Thomas

1. 5/11/2005 7:52 PM EDT

Hi Tracy,

The format of the quote is indeed customizable, but not easily by the user. We'll make that change in a future version. It really has nothing to do with the fact that you're using the free version, just that this is version 1 of the quote module, and we haven't done even close to all we want with it.


2. 5/12/2005 10:33 AM EDT

The quotes report is customizable in version 3.0 to the following extent.

1. The company logo can be changed in the quote report. The logo has to be uploaded from the Admin > Configure Modules > Quotes > Logos in the Admin module. It can be selected for a quote in the quote's add or modify pages.

2. The sub-total and grand total values can be hidden in the quote report. The column sub-total and the grand total are checkboxes that need to be selected to display the sub-total or the grand total price.

3. 5/13/2005 7:54 PM EDT

Tom and Partha,

Thank you for the information. I will look forward to seeing the features in the future versions!


4. 5/29/2005 9:38 AM EDT


Is there any kind of documentation on how to change the quote format? I realise you said it's not easily done by the user, but we are a software company, so we probably have someone with the right skills :-)

Right now, the quality of what comes out is fine for reading, but really lacks the polish of our current quotes PDF. I don't feel comfortable sending it to a customer, therefore I still prepare quotes by hand (even though I keep the data in Centric) - obviously this is unnecessary duplication of effort. It would be nice to be able to continue to use our existing format, or at least tailor what's there to be closer to what we are after.

Any help appreciated.


5. 6/21/2005 11:07 PM EDT
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By Matt Rajkowski

Concursive Corporation
Product Design


To change out the Quote PDF you will need to acquire the application iReport for JasperReports. iReport will need to be properly configured and we have that documentation.

You will then need the quote.xml report included in the Enterprise or Community version of Centric CRM. With this report file, open it in iReport. You should see the layout for the Quote PDF. There might be sub-reports and files required by quote.xml, especially for displaying the items in the grids.

There is another discussion thread in which one of the community members has spent time updating the Quote PDF.

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