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Blackberry Integeration

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Blackberry Integeration

4/20/2005 4:33 PM EDT

Is there an integration to blackberry's?

My wife is a salesperson who very much relies on her blackberry. Her company is between products, and Rodeo or something. I'm trying to push them in this direction, but it needs to integrate with the blackberry.

I would think something simple like sales tracking of leads in the beginning, moving into something more substantial.



1. 4/20/2005 4:42 PM EDT


One of our partners has done a first cut at BB integration. It's a realtime web interface, and I think it does contacts, opportunities, and maybe tickets so far. The plan is to do the whole application over time.

I haven't gotten an update on where they are with it for a couple of weeks, but will do so and get back to you here...


2. 5/11/2005 11:40 AM EDT


Did you ever get any info here?



3. 5/11/2005 3:01 PM EDT


Yes! And sorry I was remiss in getting it to you. I've taken this offline and sent you an email until I get something I can release. In the meantime, you can work directly with our partner if you wish.


4. 9/6/2006 8:19 AM EDT

Our clients do have in their (several phases) plan a marked possibility of integration of BB.

My question is:

This company you are reffering to has developed a BB module which integrates BB with Centric:

a. synchronization of various module data ()
b. something else
c. all above :)

What I am doing for already a month is evaluating few of the CRM solutions and Centric is one of them.

What I am currently actually interested in are modules, abilities to integrate, deploy etc. Also, it seems that Centric does not have some code repositories as are:

sugarforge and vtigerforge where search for modules can be done.

I will stop here right now not to loose the focus of my question.

thank you


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