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Converting contact activities to accounts, helpdesk tickets

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Converting contact activities to accounts, helpdesk tickets

4/4/2005 11:36 PM EDT


I'm evaluating CentricCRM for our Web design business. I'm going
through some sample scenarios, and they've brought up a few questions.

The first scenario is receiving a lead, contacting them, setting up a
meeting, and making a sale (I know, it's never that easy, but it's
just a sample). When I get to making a sale, things seem to get a
bit awkward. I start off resolving the meeting from the Contacts
screen. Then, to complete the sale, I have to switch to the Account
screen, create the account, then go back to Contacts to link the
contact to the account. When I view the account in the Accounts
Search screen, the contact person's phone and email don't show up, so
I have to enter them a second time as part of the Account.

Is there an easier way to do this? A way to start off on the
Contact/Activities screen with a call or meeting and convert the
contact to an account when a sale happens? Or is there some other way
of thinking about or using the system that makes this simpler?

The second scenario is a user calls in and reports a bug with their
site. Again, I start off resolving the call, then have to switch over
to the HelpDesk section and continue from there. Is there a way to go
directly from the Contact screen to the Helpdesk screen, essentially
saying "this call was resolved by creating a trouble ticket"?

And is there any guide to using this package? I feel like I'm winging
it with a lot of the tests I'm doing, and I suspect there's an easier
way to do a lot of what I'm doing.


1. 4/27/2005 8:39 AM EDT

I second that. A list of use cases and which processes to follow would be fantastic. A primer on how to start with CRM in your business also helpful.


2. 4/27/2005 10:32 AM EDT

I third that!

There are a lot of ways to accomplish things in Centric CRM, and more with every release as we add capabilities. It's even confusing to me.

The user documentation is still at the 2.9 level. There are a set of training videos which walk you through pretty much everything, but come far short of showig every way to do something.

The written manual, which nobody has yet seen but me, is still missing a couple of chapters What is there (well over 100 pages) is pretty good, but still at 2.9.

We've got a big book of use cases and other documentation that is far from ready for prime time.

I started to say that documentation is a mess, but that's not right. It's behind. But we'll get caught up, and we have some really good ideas about how to make it better. One way is to involve the community so that they can make $$ based on their work.

Stay tuned for an announcement. Probably in the next couple of weeks.


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