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Direct Mailing (contact detail page)

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Direct Mailing (contact detail page)

11/26/2004 9:41 AM EST

There is a way to send an email direct from the contacts detail page (Contacts > Search Results > Contact Details) without using the OS default email client.

The problem is: I want that the message is automatic stored into "contact's message history" (Contacts > Search Results > Contact Details > Messages ) to keep trace of it.


1. 11/30/2004 8:57 PM EST
Default user photo

By Matt Rajkowski

Concursive Corporation
Product Design


Good suggestion. I'm surprised this isn't in there already!

2. 3/28/2005 8:17 PM EST

Gabriele Rusconi wrote:
There is a way to send an email direct from the contacts detail page (Contacts > Search Results > Contact Details) without using the OS default email client.

The problem is: I want that the message is automatic stored into "contact's message history" (Contacts > Search Results > Contact Details > Messages ) to keep trace of it.


Two questions. FIrst: "There is a way to send an email direct from the contacts detail page (Contacts > Search Results > Contact Details) without using the OS default email client." How do you do this?

Second: Even if an activity record were written w/ the date an time whenever an email was sent. It would be great to see the message, but the date and time of the email would make it easier to find the email in the external email app.

3. 3/29/2005 10:22 AM EST
  • Two questions. FIrst: "There is a way to send an email direct from the contacts * detail page (Contacts > Search Results > Contact Details) without using the OS * default email client." How do you do this?

We do not have exactly that capability today, but we know we need to do something here. Whether it's actually a webmail system, or something that uses the built in rich text editor we have I'm not sure. You'll see it in a future version. You can do what you're looking for from either the Communications module or from an Action List today. And the messages you send there are filed with the Account or Contact in the Massages tab.

  • Second: Even if an activity record were written w/ the date an time whenever * an email was sent. It would be great to see the message, but the date and time * of the email would make it easier to find the email in the external email app.

This capability will surely be a part of whatever we develop for the first question. We actually have most of what we need to do this today, it's just not quite put together as you describe it. See the answer to question 1 above.

Thanks for your good questions/suggestions!


4. 10/28/2005 5:08 AM EDT

This feature is now present in 3.1 verion, but it's not possible to use attachments.
It could be very usefull to extend the function to do attachments selecting them from externa files and also from document repositories.
According to my experience, it's very usual to send documents (deplaint, brochures but also project documents) to contacts.

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