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the use of the comma as a separator is unhelpful !

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the use of the comma as a separator is unhelpful !

2/17/2012 12:28 PM EST


during an import, I have several contacts rejected with the following message :

java.sql.SQLException: ERREUR: valeur trop longue pour le type character varying(12)

translation : Error : value too long for the character type varying(12).

When digging the issue, it appears that it concerns contacts with a comma in the address...

why not using tabs instead of commas?

it is common to have a comma in a contact, more rarely a tab.

Thanks for the answer.


1. 3/5/2012 2:05 PM EST
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By Matt Rajkowski

Concursive Corporation
Product Design


I think we use the typical Excel CSV format, which is quite versatile, but I'd like your feedback.

With Excel CSV format, the data to be imported is typically:

Field 1, Field 2, Field 3, etc.

However, when a field contains a comma, then the field itself is put into Quotes.

"Field 1 data", "Field 2 data", "Field 3 data"

Let us know if that works for you.

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