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"commons" source code missing from Subversion

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"commons" source code missing from Subversion

8/17/2009 9:04 AM EDT

Last week, I downloaded the open source version of ConcourseConnect from Subversion. I have been reviewing the code to get a better understanding of how all the community features work. In completing my review, I noticed that source code for the “commons” jar is missing (concursive-commons-20090710.jar). Is there a plan to include this source code in the open source release? If it will be included, when will it be added?

Specifically, I am interested in what happens when ObjectHookManager is invoked.

As a side note, is there any information available discussing how the items are index (what happens when PortalUtils.indexAddItem)?

I am really excited about this tool. However, I need this information to help complete my evaluation.

Thanks for your help.

1. 8/17/2009 9:18 AM EDT
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By Matt Rajkowski

Concursive Corporation
Product Design


Yep, you can get the commons source from:

This source is for much of the framework that is used for Connect and the CRM. It includes a rules engine and a bunch of utilities.

When indexing items, the class being indexed must have a corresponding * class. Here you will see the fields and content being indexed. Lucene is used... There are two indexes: a "Directory Index" which contains all of the profiles using a Snowball Fuzzy Analyzer which works well for the search functionality, and a Full Index which contains blogs, wikis, discussions, and more using a more complete analyzer.

Hope your evaluation goes well, please share any thoughts along the way!

2. 8/17/2009 10:43 AM EDT

Thanks for the quick response.

Originally, I downloaded the code from Google Code because I did not know the user id and password for (Note: Even the http site requires a login.)

Is there a guest id that can be used?

3. 8/17/2009 10:53 AM EDT
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By Matt Rajkowski

Concursive Corporation
Product Design


Good point... we need the Commons on Google Code too.

You should be able to use your email address/password from, or you can just use anonymous without a pass.

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