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Migration / Backward Compatibility

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Migration / Backward Compatibility

3/18/2009 7:15 AM EDT

Hi there,
I was trying to migrate Concoursive 4.1 CRM version database to the new Concourse 5.0 Community Edition. I found that the scripts were already provided so in case anyone needs it .. just follow this:

If you are looking into migrating the Database from an older version of Concoursive CRM:
version 2.9 production databases to version 3.0,
version 3.0 production databases to version 3.1,
version 3.1 production databases to version 4.0,
version 4.0 production databases to version 4.1,
version 4.1 production databases to version 5.0,

These scripts have been provided in the Concoursive CRM 5.0 Community version with proper comments.
All you have to do is point the new version application to the older version database that contains existing data is run "ant upgradedb". You can find the files of the different versions migration in the "src/sql/postgresql/upgrade" path.

Thanks to the scripts that were already made.. :)