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Communication Groups

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Communication Groups

4/29/2008 11:54 PM EDT

When building groups for campaigns within communications, is there a way for other users to view and maintain the groups. At present if you have users hierarchically below you you can view their groups but they can't see yours. We've had several requests for other users to maintain/update these groups.



1. 4/30/2008 11:32 PM EDT (edited)


All artifacts in the Communications module exhibit a Controlled-Hierarchy model of access. Campaigns, Groups, Messages, Surveys etc are owned by a particular user. A user like you note, can see his/her records along with the ones owned by people in his/her hierarchy. This behavior is baked into the system and must have been a business rule that was enforced when this module was built.

One solution I can see is to relax the ownership for all artifacts and allow everyone that has View, Add, Edit and Delete access to Campaigns and related records to act upon those.


Provide the owner of the Campaign a UI to further define how the Campaign and related records can be accessed by others (personal, allow all, restricted access)

The product managers will further research, discuss, debate and figure out, what we can do to allow better control under Communications.


2. 5/1/2008 12:39 AM EDT (edited)

Thanks for the reply Ananth.

I can appreciate the controlled, hierarchy model of access for larger companies as a single person may be responsible for marketing campaigns etc. For the SMB end of the market, there exists multiple roles within an organization and therefore more than one person should have the ability to access/control the creation of 'Communication Groups' within the module. Going forward I visualize a simplified approach as with the 'Projects' module, containing a 'Team' and then controlling their permissions via the 'Setup' tab.
To "relax the ownership" would , I feel, detract from the out-of-the-box security that comes with the product. I would have thought that the perfect way of allowing access would be by creating a 'Group' via Admin>Manage Groups>Create New Group.
Currently you can already 'Choose Active User Groups' and assign a pre-defined group to the campaign. This would make sense if it allowed those in the group to view/edit the campaign.

Hope this all makes sense.


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