I would like to make a wishlist recommendation:
We have sales folks that inadvertently move leads to contacts or accounts. Is it possible to add a GUI to reverse the changes?
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I would like to make a wishlist recommendation:
We have sales folks that inadvertently move leads to contacts or accounts. Is it possible to add a GUI to reverse the changes?
That's a great suggestion. I think we do have that functionality through the GUI, but for some reason it is embeded in Action Plans.
Here's a post that has the details for the original feature "Revert Account" feature:
So for now that capability only exists for Accounts with Action Plans, and can only be found on the "Home > Action Plans" page.
I think the proper behavior is to have it available for all accounts or contacts that were created by converting a lead. And the option should be found everywhere a user can modify an Account\Contact as long as they have sufficient privileges.
Thanks Lorraine. I didn't realize that it may be embedded through Action Plans.
I let my sales guys know that there is hope for them ;)