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Add Report Parameters

2/16/2008 6:30 PM EST

All - Can someone please tell me how you add report parameters to 4.1 to make them available for new reports?



1. 2/21/2008 9:35 AM EST

Hi Vince,

I added an entry to the wiki discussing report parameters in concoursesuite.

If there's something you have qusetions on let me know

- Lorraine

2. 3/7/2008 4:10 AM EST

Thanks for the response. I'm reading this as adding parameters to a report rather than making new parameters available in the application. I need to make a couple of new parameters available to the application so that I can create a report that leverages them.

What concourse suite *really* needs is the ability to create parameters on the fly and bind them to a report. Some guys have done this in the Sugar community and they've done a sterling job. You can create parameters and then both bind the parameter to a report and the report to a module. I believe it would be a huge leap if we could get this functionality in Concourse Suite.



3. 3/7/2008 10:56 PM EST

Thanks for the suggestion, I agree that ad hoc reporting would be quicker, easier, and more user friendly then manipulating and recompiling jasper files. ConcourseSuite uses JasperReport and an inhouse framework for reports, and the current framework does not support ad hoc reporting as you've described. The commercial version of JasperServer does, but there may be better alternatives out there.

4. 8/20/2008 1:18 PM EDT


How can I easily add the account contact name to display on the Call History report? I copied/edited the Call History XML file, added the a new record to the report table, ant deploy.jasper, and am able to see the new Call History report in the web UI. Though I can cahnge some simple things like the report title, it's not so clear what to do to get a new account contact (first & last name) included... Looking at the XML I see x,y coordinates and and quntifiers like reports.helpdesk.assignee.

Any suggestions are truly appreciated.

5. 8/20/2008 2:25 PM EDT

Hi Michael,

It sounds like you've got most of the work done. To get the contact's first and last name there are 2 parts of the XML that will need to be updated.

1) The SQL query will need to be updated, so the original query will need to be modified with a few lines such as the following:

SELECT t.ticketid, t.entered,
-- adds the customers first and last name to result
cust.namefirst as cust_namefirst,
cust.namelast as cust_namelast
FROM ticket t
LEFT JOIN organization o ON (t.org_id = o.org_id)
LEFT JOIN contact co ON (t.assigned_to = co.user_id)
-- join in on the fk
LEFT JOIN contact cust ON (t.contact_id = cust.contact_id)
WHERE t.ticketid > 0
AND t.closed IS NOT NULL
AND t.trashed_date IS NULL
AND t.ticketid NOT IN (SELECT ticket_id FROM ticketlink_project)
ORDER BY, t.entered

2) a) Add declarations for the new fields:
<field name="cust_namefirst" class="java.lang.String"/>
<field name="cust_namelast" class="java.lang.String"/>

2) b) Add the xml for displaying the new fields and a heading. I personally use iReport (version 2.0.2), for modifying the xml to display new fields. This is because of the calculation of x, y coordinates is fairly annoying to do by hand, plus the xml gets really verbose and iReport (although not perfect) will shield a lot of the grunt work from you.

Also the "reports.helpdesk.assignee" entries you noticed are keys to the dictionary_*.xml files that can be found in the languages directory of the centric path. If you search through the file you may find text that can be reused as your heading here. Or if you know this will be an internal report where internationalization will not be needed you can skip the call to the JasperScripletUtils and just write the heading inline in the textField element.

Let me know if you need any more info, or run into other issues.

-- Lorraine

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