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Help - How do received messages get populated for a contact?

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Help - How do received messages get populated for a contact?

2/12/2008 8:00 PM EST

I want to track email communications between me and my customers. It looks like the place for this is the messages tab under the contact, but I can't figure out how to receive the messages. The inbound help desk email don't show up and there is no inbox in the contacts module. Am I missing something or is this just for contacts that send messages through the internal mail of the system like the homepage inbox. Whatever the issue I think email needs to be better handled in the program.


1. 2/13/2008 4:09 PM EST

Hello Brian,
You are correct -- it is used only for internal email at the present time.

2. 2/14/2008 7:02 PM EST

Thanks for the reply, but it begs the question. How do I archive emails from my customers. Email is one of the biggest communication tools and needs to be archived in order to capture customer interactions. Is there a way to capture emails in concursive or is that planed for the future?


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