I saw support for portlets mentioned in the 5.0 release description, but I don't see any existing portlets or support for them in the community version I downloaded from svn. Is this feature not available in the community version yet? Is it planned to be or is it an enterprise only feature?
My company is in the market for a CRM, and I think ConcourseSuite has just about every feature in it we'd need. But I'd like to create applications that plug into it so it can serve our special business needs. Portlets that utilize the XML HTTP API would be perfect. Since I have the source I could modify that but that is certainly much less ideal, and also how would I contribute my plug-in back to the community if it was tightly coupled with core code?
Sugar has SugarExchange and Salesforce has AppExchange. Concursive doesn't deserve to be left out any longer, and it should have it's own community portlet exchange as well.