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Viewing attachments and documents

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Viewing attachments and documents

4/14/2007 8:10 AM EDT

When using Centric I encounter the following problems:
1. When sending attachments to contacts, if I go to view the attached .txt file - it will not display
2. I created a series of Documents in the Documents section.
If I click on the blue arrow it can be accessed, but if I go inside the file entry - and click either Download or View File Contents - it displayes nothing.

This is the output from catalina log file:

PMF-> Trying to send a file that does not exist
ConnectionPool-> Connection has already been returned to pool
PMF-> Trying to send a file that does not exist
ConnectionPool-> Connection has already been returned to pool

Please, advise what might be the problem,
Thank you,

1. 5/23/2007 5:55 AM EDT

Hi there I've the same thing with 4.1.1 and with 4.1.2.

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