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Importing data

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Importing data

4/6/2007 8:23 AM EDT

How to import new data (Contrahents) into CentricCRM?

Export gives CSV file.
I even fail when traying to import freshly exported file (with id changed, or with id removed).
I want to move from the old, home made CRM into this fantastic tool, but transfering data is a MUST

1. 4/6/2007 8:43 AM EDT

Forget to include error message (when traying to import data from CSV)

"The included page caused a problem."

2. 4/9/2007 4:33 AM EDT (edited)

Do you have access to your webserver logs directory (i.e. for tomcat it's TOMCAT_HOME/logs/catalina.out)?
Could you please provide last exception of the log file?

Andrei Holub | Senior Software Engineer | Corra Technology, Inc. |

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