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Various questions about help desk

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Various questions about help desk

3/30/2007 4:41 PM EDT


Today we were working on documenting our support processes around the use of Centric CRM's help desk module. We've uncovered a few questions:

1) How is anyone notified about a new ticket entered by a customer in the self service portal? There doesn't seem to be an email notification, and the help desk's main screen does not auto-referesh every few minutes. It seems that our support staff must manually refresh the main screen every few minutes to discover new work. Maybe there is a setting somewhere that lets me configure the default user to assign new tickets to so that they will receive an email on creation?

2) We noticed that when a self service user creates a new ticket, the contacts dropdown list shows all contacts in their account and does not auto-select the current user. By default someone else is selected. Is this a bug?

3) Why can a portal user set the current ticket state when creating a ticket? It does not seem like their responsibility, and since they can't edit existing tickets they can't use it later.

4) What is the difference between Severity and Priority?

5) When we add an action plan to a ticket, we can't choose a plan manager. The only employee available is the one who is currently adding the action plan. Is there a setting somewhere that tells Centric CRM which users are allowed to be plan managers?

6) The knowledge base stores files. Based on other knowledge base systems we have used, we suggest a knowledge base item is a record with several fields such as a summary, cause, resolution, links, attachment(s), etc... that is searchable.


1. 4/3/2007 8:27 AM EDT
Default user photo

By Matt Rajkowski

Concursive Corporation
Product Design


Some quick answers (I'll be back in the office at the end of the week)...

1) The workflow.xml file contains the rules for the workflow engine; this is a customizable capability that immediately notifies users of new/changed tickets; and has a scheduled capability to send a digest of tickets to a user/manager. So for example, if you look in workflow.xml you would see that when a ticket is assigned, a user is immediately notified, you may need to reload the workflow in the admin module; additionally there is a disabled schedule in which all unassigned tickets that are 10 minutes old are emailed to someone. The workflow inspects objects and branches logic to create notifications.

3) Attached is a mockup of functionality... those without full assignment capabilities only see the basic fields; also a mockup of allowing portal users to add comments without editing the ticket once created... I think this functionality is needed.

4) These relate to the customer severity and assigned priority

6) The kb is getting a major update to its functionality, this functionality will be previewed shortly

2. 4/3/2007 8:29 AM EDT
Default user photo

By Matt Rajkowski

Concursive Corporation
Product Design


and the comments mockup...

3. 4/3/2007 3:29 PM EDT

About the screenshots, they looks great! I like how you've added the category, subcategories and email notification.

The screenshot does not show the Ticket State, Organization, Contact, Service Contract, Asset, and Labor Category. These are all fields in the current self service new ticket screen. Have they been removed from the self service new ticket screen?

We'll look at this workflow.xml and see if we can figure out how to use it. We definitely want to be notified about new tickets from self service so that we can respond quickly.


4. 7/3/2007 2:59 AM EDT

if you log in as a client through the customer portal and try to add a ticket i get his response:

The included page caused a problem.

any idea why?

5. 7/3/2007 8:41 AM EDT

Possibly something went wrong when you attempted to compile the JSP files. Try recompiling them or at most reinstall Centric CRM.

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