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The included page caused a problem.

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The included page caused a problem.

2/9/2007 8:05 PM EST

I am evaluating a Windows version of Centric CRM and after following all of the instructions and starting Centric I get the message: "The included page caused a problem."

What do I need to do?


1. 2/21/2007 11:23 AM EST


I'm having the same problem with a few sections of the CRM. Please can you tell me where the error logs are or where I should be looking to find out what is causing the problem? I'm running MAC OS X with Tomcat and MYSQL.


2. 2/21/2007 11:44 AM EST (edited)

The error logs in linux and mac should be in catalina.out.
In windows.. I guess it is stdout.txt or std.out.

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