
Open Source Initiative (OSI) PostgreSQL Java

Server Setup for enabling API access

The API on the server is disabled by default. When enabling the API, keep in mind that the API allows the client to interact with the database, so pretty much all data in the application is accessible for reading, writing and deleting. The data can be restricted if necessary by modifying the object_map.xml file on the server.

To enable access to the API, add a client record to the ConcourseConnect database. Every client application that needs access to ConcourseConnect, must have a corresponding \ record. The record values will be used in the client authentication code.

  1. client_id = the generated integer value used by the client
  2. code = a string that the client will use during authentication
  3. type = any arbitrary name that describes the client
  4. version = any arbitrary value that describes the version of the client
  5. enabled = set to 'true' if client needs to be allowed access
INSERT INTO sync_client (type, version, enteredby, modifiedby, enabled, code)
  VALUES ('API', '1.0', 1, 1, true, 'some-arbitrary-password');

-[ sync_client record ]-----------------------------------------------------
client_id  | 1
type       | API
version    | 1.0
entered    | 2010-01-01 00:00:00
enteredby  | 1
modified   | 2010-01-01 00:00:00
modifiedby | 1
anchor     |
enabled    | t
code       | some-arbitrary-password

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