GET eventList
Returns a list of calendar events. Events can be associated with a specific profile, or stand alone.
parentUniqueId | Limit the events to include only those which have this parent uniqueId |
uniqueId | The profile unique id to display calendar events for |
list | Combined with the uniqueId to only show events for profiles on this named list |
category | A comma-separated list of category names to display events for |
subcategory | The name of the subcategory to return events for, requires a single category parameter too |
view | Limit events to the user's viewpoint (mine, this_app, connected, area) |
latitude | The user's latitude, in decimal form, to show the distance of the user to the event |
longitude | The user's longitude, in decimal form, to show the distance of the user to the event |
isGeocoded | Set to true to only include events which have been geocoded |
startDate | Show the upcoming (or currently active) events based on the specified timestamp value |
startDateOffset | Show the events by setting a start date prior to right now, in milliseconds |
sort | Specify the sort order, new for the upcoming ones first |
items | The number of records to return |
page | The page number when there are multiple pages of records |
Example Request
Example Result
[ { "status":{ "code":0, "name":"eventList", "count":1, "total":77 }, "objectList":[ { "recordNumber":1, "recordName":"event", "id":"151", "title":"Storm Mapping 10-2-15", "startDate":"1443758400000", "endDate":"1443844500000", "startDateText":"2 days from now", "endDateText":"3 days from now", "canUpdateEvent":"false", "profileCategory":"Events", "profileCategoryLabel":"Events", "profileParentCategory":"Spaces", "uniqueId":"storm-mapping-10-2-15", "profile":"Storm Mapping 10-2-15", "profileImageUrl":"https:\/\/\/image\/2008051912-49-11-45x45-123456789-623000000-771\/Icons-Event-100x100.png", "profileImageWidth":"45", "profileImageHeight":"45", "createdBy":"Skip Stiles", "createdByUniqueId":"skip-stiles", "createdByImageUrl":"https:\/\/\/image\/2008090514-852-1569-45x45-123456789-623000000-771\/fb10152465073419286.jpg", "createdByImageWidth":"45", "createdByImageHeight":"45", "ratingAverage":"0.0", "ratingCount":"0", "ratingValue":"0" } ] } ]
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