
Open Source Initiative (OSI) PostgreSQL Java

Creating accounts and projects

Steps for Creating an Account and Account Projects

Accounts must be created and configured before using the budget capturing feature of timesheets.

Here are the steps to create an account, define rates, and start projects:

  1. Navigate to the 'Accounts' tab of the site.
  2. Create an Account by choosing the 'Add an Account' button.
  3. Fill out the details of the Account and Save it.
  4. Next, continue by going into the Account record.
  5. Navigate to the Account's 'Team' page.
  6. Choose the 'Configure Roles' button in the Quick Actions list.
  7. Here you will see the global rates. In order to use the global rates or modify them, begin by choosing the button to 'Clone the base rates' – that's important because this is the only wan an account, and thus projects, inherit roles and rates.
  8. After choosing 'Clone', make any edits in the Rates table and choose Save. Projects will inherit these values automatically and projects get a 'snapshot' of the rates when the project is created.
  9. Now you are ready to create Projects. Projects must be created from the Account for which the project is related to. So navigate to the Account Overview or Account Dashboard page, then choose to 'Create a Project'

Steps for Configuring a Project

Once a project is created, the project inherits the roles and rates from the Account automatically. The roles and rates can be modified if necessary. There are several configuration aspects of a project which will ensure that the timesheet capture is simple and correct.

Setup Project Job Descriptions

When capturing time, the timesheet form allows a user to input billable and non-billable hours, job descriptions, and expenses. To provide a drop-down list of job descriptions, in addition to the free-form text field, the project manager needs to input the job descriptions into the Timesheet's configuration tab.

  1. Navigate to the Project
  2. Choose the Timesheets module
  3. Choose the Configuration link
  4. Choose to modify the Job Descriptions, then Save your work

The configured job description drop-down list will now show in the Timesheets module.

Choosing employee roles and rates

To add employees to a project, you do so by inviting them to the project space. An invitation allows you to enter the access level a user will have in the project and which role they are assigned. The role is important for determining the stored rates when time is entered in the timesheet. You can also choose whether the employee receives an email to access the project.

Access Levels

When inviting users, the drop-down for access includes the following options. Each has a specific meaning:

  • Manager – the manager access level is in complete control of the profile... configuring, adding, deleting content and in charge of the group communications and members
  • Champion – this is a special level in which the user has increased permissions; in the case of project management, this role can create project plans, update timesheets and send email to members of the group. Champions act almost as managers but without most configuration and delete capabilities.
  • VIP – this is a step above a typical member; this level helps identify special users of a profile whether this level has any improved permissions or not depends on custom configuration of the profile; this role can contribute to wikis and access future/unreleased blog posts
  • Member – this is the standard level for user's of a profile; this level can collaborate and contibute
  • Participant – this level can view most information and contribute a little; its use is very limited
  • Guest – this level is intended as a purely read-only non-collaborative role; its use is the most limited

Roles and Rates

During timesheet entry, the employee's role defaults to the role in which they were assigned to when invited. The role can be changed or overridden during timesheet entry to temporarily switch to a different role and rate for this record only. The default can also be changed for future timesheet entry by navigating to the Team tab and choosing to Edit the user's default role from the sub-menu next to their name. Future timesheets will then default to the new employee role.

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