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Centric CRM 4.1 (Stable and Released)

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How does <dhv:include > tag works

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How does <dhv:include > tag works

5/7/2009 12:50 AM EDT


Can anyone explain me how <dhv:include > tag works eg. in opportunity_include.jsp <dhv:include name="opportunity.singleComponent" none="true">. Also what is the difference between " <dhv:include name="opportunity.singleComponent">" and <dhv:include name="opportunity.singleComponent" none="true">.

Thanks in advance,

Sridhar Mangipudi

1. 5/7/2009 8:16 AM EDT
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By Matt Rajkowski

Concursive Corporation
Product Design


The dhv:include tag determines which functionality and fields are enabled in the UI. The name of the tag "name" corresponds to the installed system.xml file. This is one way to customize the crm without having to integrate source code changes each time.

In system.xml you can:
1. enable/disable some functionality
2. rename fields and modules

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