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Centric CRM 4.1 (Stable and Released)

Core Team

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Communications Module

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Communications Module

11/7/2007 5:54 PM EST

We haven't been able to figure out how to create a group that all users are able to see, edit, and utilize, with the appropriate credentials.

1. 11/8/2007 10:06 AM EST

Have you referred to the user guide for this? The user guide goes in depth on understanding the Communications module as well as how to enable certain groups to the organization's needs.

2. 11/12/2007 3:03 PM EST

I'll review it again, maybe I missed something.

3. 11/13/2007 8:53 AM EST

We have verified with sales that at this time a Group cannot be seen by anyone other than immediate management of the individual that created it.

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