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Centric CRM 4.1 (Stable and Released)

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Error creating report

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Error creating report

3/26/2007 3:49 PM EDT

Everything works fine except generation of reports. Each report displays "error creating report" with the following in the log:

  • Requested action: Reports
  • Mon Mar 26 20:18:02 CEST 2007

JasperReportUtils-> Checking report: /Library/Tomcat5/webapps/centric/WEB-INF/reports/employees.xml
ParameterList-> siteid=-1
ParameterList-> siteid_where=
ParameterList-> path=null
ParameterList-> TRUE=null
ParameterList-> language=null
ParameterList-> country=null
ParameterList-> CENTRIC_DICTIONARY=null
ParameterList-> SCRIPT_DB_CONNECTION=null
ControllerServlet-> Action Took: 247 ms
> Looking up resource: GenerateReportOK
Resource-> GenerateReportOK
GlobalItemsHook-> Calls: 0
GlobalItemsHook-> Activities: 0
GlobalItemsHook-> Tickets: 0
ReportRunnerJob-> Checking for new reports...
GlobalItemsHook-> Action Plans: 0
GlobalItemsHook-> Tickets: 1
GlobalItemsHook-> Tickets (Unassigned): 0
ControllerServlet-> Resource: /reports/reports_queue_added.jsp
JasperReportUtils-> Checking report: employees.xml
at org.aspcfs.modules.reports.base.ParameterList.setParameters(Unknown Source)
at org.aspcfs.modules.reports.base.QueueCriteriaList.getParameters(Unknown Source)
at org.aspcfs.apps.reportRunner.task.ProcessJasperReports.processReport(Unknown Source)
at org.aspcfs.apps.reportRunner.task.ProcessJasperReports.<init>(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at org.quartz.simpl.SimpleThreadPool$

1. 3/27/2007 8:54 AM EDT
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By Matt Rajkowski

Concursive Corporation
Product Design


If you are using the [sites] table, then make sure the language field has a non-null locale... like 'en_US'. If your installation is NOT using the [sites] table, because this is a single instance, then I'm not sure.

2. 3/28/2007 4:13 PM EDT (edited)

The sites table is empty. Probably this is correct because we have only one instance running.
So there must be another explanation. All help is welcome.

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