Victor Hastings wrote:
Hello Michael,
I guess I need to define my market. I think SugarCRM "dominates" the open source CRM space, or at least gets mentioned far more than any other competing open source product. They got a great review from PC Magazine last year; that has to help. Obviously they don't take a lot of market share away from the proprietary CRM packages (yet).
As far as marketing is concerned, jeez. I found Centric last year in a Google search. You landed me for free, more or less.
My million dollar idea is that if I were Dark Horse, I'd beat feet down to Atlanta and explain to JBoss how my product would be a perfect complement to their JEMS stack. I know CRM is an app, not middleware, but a lot of companies that use JEMS need CRM too, and you have the only mature pure Java CRM package in the world. Centric would be a great fit with their product line. You'd have a CRM package with full-blown workflow and business rule support, right out of the box. (Take a look at SugarCRM's "workflow" functionality -- it's a joke.)
I'd also be talking to the Alfresco people about integrating or co-marketing Centric. ECM and CRM are kissin' cousins anyway. Alfresco already makes significant use of JBoss's BPM and BRM, so they could give you a few hints.... ;-)
OK, now I'm really pissed of. Stop stealing my ideas! :D
On a serious note. There are currently like three bussines models out there. GPL double licensing, MPL + exibit B and proprietary.
Hard to tell which one works the best, depends on what a company wants. Those VC funded companies are on a track to sell out. Trust me, been there, done that :) Just start counting from a second when Sugar got their VC, and you'll see that they'll sell out (or do IPO) 3-5
years after that date. Big market share (number of users, not $$) does mean something in that situation. And, sure, they poured lots of money in marketing, but viral marketing induced by free distribution also played a big role, I would argue, even bigger than what a money can buy.
I dislike MPL + exibit B (badgeware) a lot. Although it opens a distirbution channels and prevents forking, it discourages people from giving a changes back.
And I truly dislike proprietary model :)
The problem with Centric is that it doesn't fit in any of those models. It is in a kind of limb, between GPL, badgeware and proprietary. Taking the worst from all of them :) I'm sure guys will address that, their CMO is too smart to miss something that obvious (hi Michael).