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Centric CRM 4.1 (Stable and Released)

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Source code for 4.1 updated

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Source code for 4.1 updated

10/13/2006 6:05 PM EDT (edited)
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By Matt Rajkowski

Concursive Corporation
Product Design


The 4.1 source branch received a number of updates today...

- Database scripts were updated for consistency (all 8 databases)
- Language translation dictionaries were exported from the Centric CRM online language gateway (all 22 languages)
- Lookup lists were updated (for 10 finished languages)
- plus fixes and features

Tasks needing to be done include: bring the permissions file up-to-date for 9 languages (en_US is complete), update templates, and update workflows. Look for this on Monday.

In the meantime, you can checkout the latest source code and help out with testing.
Use your Subversion client to download the following:

We need help testing the database installations, the language installations, the language translations, and soon the upgrade scripts from 4.0.


1. 10/16/2006 11:41 AM EDT
Default user photo

By Matt Rajkowski

Concursive Corporation
Product Design


Today, the following file groups have been committed for each locale:

- Permissions
- Templates
- Workflows
- Icelets

Additionally, each locale was tested using "ant installdb"

The source is now ready for testing against the different database servers. PostgreSQL has already been tested.

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