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Centric CRM 4.1 (Stable and Released)

Core Team

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Status Reports

Usability Enhancements

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Usability Enhancements

7/18/2006 5:26 PM EDT

Completed the Calendar and Mailbox usability enhancements.
Completed most of the Task usability enhancements.
Working on Site usability enhancement and the Trouble Task and Account Ticket Task enhancements.

1. 7/25/2006 2:35 PM EDT

Completed revised enhancements to email forms, site field in forms, reassignment of Ticket Tasks and Account Ticket Tasks.
Working on Leads module enhancements.

2. 7/26/2006 5:16 PM EDT

Completed the popup functionality for the following sub-tabs of accounts.
Contacts > Details
Contacts > History
Contacts > Folders
Contacts > Activities
Contacts > Messages

Working on the popup functionality of Accounts > Contacts > Opportunities.

3. 7/28/2006 11:03 AM EDT

Completed the popup functionality of the following sub-tabs in the accounts module.

Accounts > Contacts > Opportunities > Details
Accounts > Contacts > Opportunities > Quotes
Accounts > Contacts > Opportunities > Folders
Accounts > Contacts > Portal
Accounts > Action Plans
Accounts > Activities

Working on the following sub-tab in the accounts module.
Accounts > Opportunities

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