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Centric CRM 4.1 (Stable and Released)

Core Team


Priority: Scheduled
Assigned To: unassigned

Ticket # 63

This ticket is open
Severity: Normal
Category: Usability
Entered by: Graham Bond 11/26/2006, 10:08 PM
Last modified: Matt Rajkowski 11/27/2006, 8:48 AM


Pipeline / Administration / Configure drop downs -- there's a drop down called "Environment". Not sure when it snuck in or who it's for. But perhaps it should be hidden, like "sites", for everybody but the user it's for because, while it works, not sure what it's for. This is why we need GOD


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Ticket Activity

Date Event
Graham Bond 11/26/2006, 10:08 PM [ Ticket Opened ]
Graham Bond 11/26/2006, 10:08 PM [ Ticket is unassigned ]
Graham Bond 11/26/2006, 10:08 PM [ Priority set to Scheduled ]
Graham Bond 11/26/2006, 10:08 PM [ Severity set to Normal ]
Matt Rajkowski 11/27/2006, 8:48 AM Environment - What stuff is the account already using
Competitors - Who else is competing for this business
Compelling Event - What event is driving the timeline for purchase
Budget - Where are they getting the money to pay for the purchasse
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