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Centric CRM 4.1 (Stable and Released)

Core Team


Priority: Scheduled
Assigned To: unassigned

Ticket # 57

This ticket is open
Severity: Normal
Category: Blocker
Entered by: Graham Bond 11/26/2006, 8:48 PM
Last modified: Graham Bond 11/26/2006, 10:18 PM


Pipeline / Graphs / Don't seem to be re-graphing (or correctly) when data changes down the hierarchy -- So Phil's graph, who reports to Michael, who reports to David, doesn't change as I (david) change his opportunity data (Later update: the graph has now changed -- an hour or so later -- but now the math does not appear to be correct. Too low)

Also seems to be the case with the graphs of "commissions". Put some % commissions in for MH and these weren't reflected in graphs


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Ticket Activity

Date Event
Graham Bond 11/26/2006, 8:48 PM [ Ticket Opened ]
Graham Bond 11/26/2006, 8:48 PM [ Ticket is unassigned ]
Graham Bond 11/26/2006, 8:48 PM [ Priority set to Scheduled ]
Graham Bond 11/26/2006, 8:48 PM [ Severity set to Normal ]
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