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Centric CRM 4.1 (Stable and Released)

Core Team


Priority: Scheduled
Assigned To: Kailash Bhoopalam

Ticket # 53

This ticket is open
Severity: Critical
Category: Blocker
Entered by: Kailash Bhoopalam 11/8/2006, 6:04 PM
Last modified: Vadim Vishnevsky 11/9/2006, 9:55 AM


When a lead is converted. The graph does not change. This may be because of a merge error. Plase analyze and fix.


Javascript for updating dashboard have been added to account popup window. It use returnUrl value, which is created in Update Lead method.

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Ticket Activity

Date Event
Kailash Bhoopalam 11/8/2006, 6:04 PM [ Ticket Opened ]
Kailash Bhoopalam 11/8/2006, 6:04 PM [ Assigned to Kartautsau, Pavel ]
Kailash Bhoopalam 11/8/2006, 6:04 PM [ Priority set to Scheduled ]
Kailash Bhoopalam 11/8/2006, 6:04 PM [ Severity set to Critical ]
Pavel Kartautsau 11/9/2006, 3:48 AM [ Reassigned from Kartautsau, Pavel to Vishnevsky, Vadim ]
Vadim Vishnevsky 11/9/2006, 9:55 AM [ Reassigned from Vishnevsky, Vadim to Bhoopalam, Kailash ]
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