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Centric CRM 4.1 (Stable and Released)

Core Team


Priority: Scheduled
Assigned To: Kailash Bhoopalam

Ticket # 26

This ticket is open
Severity: Normal
Category: Blocker
Entered by: Graham Bond 10/8/2006, 7:07 PM
Last modified: Kailash Bhoopalam 11/1/2006, 12:01 AM


Action Plans / "Up the Hierarchy"/ If a person that reports to me (DR) is given an action plan and the user that can take the action is "up the hierarchy", I can't take the action -- or see the Action Plan -- because there is not filter to show the action plan. If I happen to be the action plan manager, I can see it.
- I think we need the filter "In my hierarchy".
- Also, I filled out the action plan "folder" with data and it didn't show up. When I tried to close it it said I needed to attach data even though I already had
- See the Action Plan in account "Test Company"
- Have assigned the Action Plan to Kailash and made Matt the Plan Manager for testing within dhv.dhcrm


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Ticket Activity

Date Event
Graham Bond 10/8/2006, 7:07 PM [ Ticket Opened ]
Graham Bond 10/8/2006, 7:07 PM [ Ticket is unassigned ]
Graham Bond 10/8/2006, 7:07 PM [ Priority set to Scheduled ]
Graham Bond 10/8/2006, 7:07 PM [ Severity set to Normal ]
Kailash Bhoopalam 11/1/2006, 12:01 AM [ Assigned to Bhoopalam, Kailash ]
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