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Centric CRM 4.1 (Stable and Released)

Core Team


Priority: Scheduled
Assigned To: Kailash Bhoopalam

Ticket # 25

This ticket is open
Severity: Normal
Category: Usability
Entered by: Graham Bond 10/8/2006, 6:12 PM
Last modified: Olga Kaptyug 1/12/2007, 10:29 AM


Opportunity / History / the history file works but it's not easy to see the trend of the changes that are made to the opportunity. Probably the easy way to make this more useful is to create a report that could be run


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Ticket Activity

Date Event
Graham Bond 10/8/2006, 6:12 PM [ Ticket Opened ]
Graham Bond 10/8/2006, 6:12 PM [ Ticket is unassigned ]
Graham Bond 10/8/2006, 6:12 PM [ Priority set to Scheduled ]
Graham Bond 10/8/2006, 6:12 PM [ Severity set to Normal ]
Pavel Kartautsau 1/11/2007, 7:22 AM [ Assigned to Kaptyug, Olga ]
Olga Kaptyug 1/12/2007, 10:29 AM [ Reassigned from Kaptyug, Olga to Bhoopalam, Kailash ]
Olga Kaptyug 1/12/2007, 10:29 AM I have reviewed this issue. So, I think that generating report is a good idea.
Another solution is to change Component History Log Detail page to show all records in one page.
But if the history is really long it is better to generate report.
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