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Centric CRM 4.1 (Stable and Released)

Core Team


Assigned To: unassigned

Ticket # 173

This ticket is open
Severity: Critical
Category: Functionality
Entered by: Nick Harris 11/19/2007, 2:45 PM
Last modified: Nick Harris 11/19/2007, 2:45 PM


Links sent from the store do not always show the proper item.

For example:

On the initial load, with a new browser instance we get:

Item #BF15656
Cell Phone Lanyard

which is correct. But if the same link is loaded again (via reload or clicking the link again without closing the browser) the user sees:

Item #BF16518
Electronic Black Safebank with Musical "Charge Theme"

Since our business depends on sending customers and prospects and examples of items they can use, this is VERY important for us.

If there is more information needed, please let me know. We can provide access to our servers or a database dump if needed.


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Ticket Activity

Date Event
Nick Harris 11/19/2007, 2:45 PM [ Ticket Opened ]
Nick Harris 11/19/2007, 2:45 PM [ Ticket is unassigned ]
Nick Harris 11/19/2007, 2:45 PM [ Severity set to Critical ]
Distribution List
Nick H.