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Centric CRM 4.1 (Stable and Released)

Core Team


Assigned To: unassigned

Ticket # 170

This ticket is open
Severity: Important
Category: Functionality
Entered by: Michael Dal Bianco 10/24/2007, 7:39 AM
Last modified: Michael Dal Bianco 10/24/2007, 7:39 AM
Attachments: 1 file(s)


Modifying Team Membership and Adding a Contact from an Account within a Document Store produces an error. Screen shots to produce error are attached to this ticket.


A solution hasn't been entered

File Attachments

Documents Error Ver1.0.pdf
Added by Michael Dal Bianco on 10/24/2007, 7:36 AM

Ticket Activity

Date Event
Michael Dal Bianco 10/24/2007, 7:39 AM [ Ticket Opened ]
Michael Dal Bianco 10/24/2007, 7:39 AM [ Ticket is unassigned ]
Michael Dal Bianco 10/24/2007, 7:39 AM [ Severity set to Important ]
Distribution List
Michael D.