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Centric CRM 4.1 (Stable and Released)

Core Team


Priority: Scheduled
Assigned To: Brandon Antone

Ticket # 159

This ticket is open
Severity: Normal
Category: Support
Entered by: tom jones 7/31/2007, 3:34 PM
Last modified: Sam Cocke 8/31/2007, 4:05 PM


How do I download the community edition of centric crm?

I can't seem to authenticate when prompted by subversion?

I can login when I visit the subversion site but fail when tring to access the URL via a browser or SVN client.

Any Ideas, thanks for the help.


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Ticket Activity

Date Event
tom jones 7/31/2007, 3:34 PM [ Ticket Opened ]
tom jones 7/31/2007, 3:34 PM [ Ticket is unassigned ]
tom jones 7/31/2007, 3:34 PM [ Severity set to Normal ]
Sam Cocke 8/31/2007, 4:05 PM [ Assigned to Antone, Brandon ]
Sam Cocke 8/31/2007, 4:05 PM [ Priority changed from unassigned to Scheduled ]
Distribution List
tom j., Thang D.